So often we forget about who we really are, we nudge God out of the way and try to live life as much as possible without Him.  Who do we think we are, trying to live life without God, the creator of the universe.  We oftentimes do not fear God at all and often treat Him as a last resort option.  This is not how God designed our lives to be, He wants an intimate relationship with us and He wants us to be like children who come running to Him with our problems, fears, and our hurts.  He doesn't want us to live life like we have everything figured out, because often times we don't.  He wants to help us, He wants to cure and rid us of our hurts and fears.  However, we oftentimes do just the opposite, instead of running to God, we run away.  We think we can solve life's problems on our own, when instead all we do is make an even bigger problem.  Since when did we start to think that we could live life without God.  God loves us and can provide for us a life that we cannot even dream is possible.  However to access this life, you cannot live life without God, but instead you have to live each and everyday searching for what God has for you and in awe looking at what the Creator made.  
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