I Kissed Dating Goodbye is not a book that says you shouldn't have friendships with girls and it is not a book consisting of a bunch of rules.  I Kissed Dating Goodbye is about holding off on romance, until you are ready to make the commitment for marriage.  I found this book to be useful and inspirational, not just for the topic of relationships, but because Harris teaches you things that you will need for life, regardless of Marriage.  Harris teaches you about and points you in the directions of making smart money investments and choices, learning how to fix and change things around the house, and how to treat women with honor, starting with those you are related to.  Overall I Kissed Dating Goodbye is an incredible book and I highly recommend it. 

I received this book free from the publisher and am not required to write a positive review. 

4/16/2011 06:39:52 am

You might find my blog of interest where I critique Josh Harris's book.

I Kissed Dating Goodbye: Wisdom or Foolishness?

Unfortunately Josh Harris is quick to point out the problems with dating but reluctant to share any of the problems with his approach.

Hope this helps.

4/17/2011 06:45:57 pm

Business is the salt of life.


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