So often we fall into a state of motion where we miss out on all that God has made and the wonders of His creation.  Psalm 19:1 says "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." As I write this post from the warmth of my room, I continually look outside my window to see snow falling from the sky and floating in the sky till it makes its resting place on the ground.  I look up into the sky and all I can see is millions and millions of tiny snowflakes just floating.  There are so many snowflakes, that they are innumerable.  Yet each and every snowflake is unique and each snowflake was put in place by God to fall were it is to fall.  That takes a BIG God.  It is things like this that continually reminds me of the awesome God that I get the privilege to serve and that nothing is to big or small for Him to deal with.    

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