It’s a bitterly cold winter night; there is a light dusting of snow covering everything.   A door slams on a house and a boy stomps out, his drunk dad comes to the doorway in a drunken stupor and screams after him to stop.  The boy keeps on walking, keeps thinking on what he possibly could have done wrong, why did his dad always scream at him.  He picks up his step as he passes by the local bar, as his thoughts go to the destruction that lies theirin.  His eye catches someone inside and he freezes; his youth pastor from the church he had attended the past couple of weeks is sipping a beer.  The one person who he thought he might be able to finally trust with his family situation, the one person he thought might be able to listen and understand, was probably just like his dad.  How could he go to his youth group again, knowing that his youth pastor was just like his dad?  Why should he go to church, why should he believe what he was being taught if the youth pastor was just as bad as his dad?  Why should he believe in God and the power of God, if it didn’t change people? 

The thing is, the youth pastor loved his wife and their new precious baby girl.  He loved his job at the church where he had worked for several years and he loved the kids he got to hang out with and mentor.  He was having a great time talking about football and what not with the bar tender and just in general, relaxing.  Little did he know, was that outside the window was a boy who had attended his youth group for the past couple of weeks.  That boy didn’t see someone who loved his wife and baby girl, his job and the kids he got to hang out with.  No, that boy saw his dad, addicted to alcohol, always screaming, throwing things, and beating his wife and kids.  That boy didn’t show up at church the next week, he never showed up to church again, having felt abandoned, deserted in his time of need.

Many people ask “Can Christians drink”?  People even point to the Bible as their support for Christians being allowed to drink.  Jesus drank and His first miracle was to turn water into wine.  If Jesus drank wine, shouldn’t that mean we should be able to drink as well?

I believe that Christians should try to avoid drinking.  We need to look at the Bible in context and in its orginal meaning to see whether or not the Bible supports the drinking of intoxicated beverages.  Also, drinking can leave a bad impression, as we saw in the story above, and it can lead others to start drinking, which could lead others to becoming addicted.

We need to look at the culture 2000 years ago and find out what they were drinking to see if it is the same as today.  First off, the Bible mentions two types of drink: wine and strong drink (Leviticus 10:9).  Secondly wine in the Bible meant both grape juice (unfermented) and wine (fermented) in the same wording.  This means that in all these different scenarios that people say Jesus is drinking wine, or is creating it (John 2), it is highly possible and even makes sense that it was grape juice.  In an article done by Samuele Bacchiocchi, Ph. D he says “Externally, contemporary authors, such as Pliny and Plutarch, attest that "good wines" were those which did not intoxicate, having had their alcoholic potency removed.” This would also back up the claim that Jesus did not turn water into fermented wine in John 2, but instead into grape juice, something that nourishes and gives strength to the body.

Drinking can leave a bad impression.  Everyone around you, is watching you.  The story that I started off, some may say is extreme.  However, people assume things subconciously either good or bad, by how they are influenced, taught, and treated.  Just because you drink and love, respect, and cherish those you love, someone might not have had that experience and automatically subconciously assume that you act the same as those who they were brought up by.

On the other side of things, you drinking could affect another persons drinking.  Everyone around you is watching you, everyone around you is also influenced by you.  If you drink, someone might see that you have the ability to drink and be decent about it.  Most people say that this is a good thing, that you are being an example of how you are supposed to do it.  But the question I have to ask, is why do you drink?  What’s the purpose?  What’s the point?

 Jesus saved us from our sins and offered us another shot at life, a life where we can find ultimate fullfilment and satisfaction.  People drink alcohol, try to become rich, look at pornography, use drugs, divorce and re-marry, all in hopes of finding satisfaction.  Through Christ we can receive satisfaction, we can receive joy, we can receive contentment.  If Christ is who we find satisfaction from, why would we want to drink and why would we want to point others to drink?  Why would we want to be the example of how drinking is to be done, shouldn’t we instead want to reflect Christ and how life is meant to be lived!

Your drinking could lead to someone else to an addiction.  God created us with free will.  But some people are more succeptible and more prone to becoming addicted to certain things, not just alcohol.  Just because you can put down the bottle and not think twice about it, doesn’t mean someone else can’t.  Why even take a chance on having the regret of influencing someone to drink and it leading to an addiction.

Some say that never in the Bible, is drinking inherently wrong.  Throughout the Bible wine or “strong drink” is almost never shown as middle ground.  It is usually either shown in a negative light or a positive light.  As I showed you before wine meant both unfermented and fermented.  When you look at scripture, such as Proverbs 31:4,6 you can tell the author is talking about fermented wine, but other passages such as John 2 make you think that the author it talking about grape juice.  Drinking liquor or fermented drinks isn’t listed on the Ten Commandments as something that is not to be done.  But that doesn’t mean is should be done. 

The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 10:23 saying “You say, "I am allowed to do anything" -- but not everything is helpful. You say, "I am allowed to do anything" -- but not everything is beneficial.” Drinking may not be explicitly condemned, but that doesn’t mean we should do it.  As Paul said, just because we have the right to do it, doesn’t mean it’s helpful or beneficial.  What is the purpose of drinking?  Why do people do it?  To satisfy their need for satisfaction, or to supress a deeper problem?  Neither of these two problems can be cured by drinking.  Only Christ and His unfailing love can cure these problems, and provide satisfaction and peace.

Works Cited
Bacchiocci, Samuele. Wine In the Bible: A Biblical Study On the Use of Alcoholic Beverages. Michigan: Biblical Perspectives, 2001. Biblical Perspectives, Timely Books & Recording for Your Christian Growth. Biblical Perspectives. Web. 13 Oct. 2011. <http://www.biblicalperspectives.com/books/wine_in_the_bible/3.html>.

LeviticusBible Study Tools Online – Verses, Commentaries, Concordances, Verses, Parallel Versions. Bible Study Tools Online. Web. 13 Oct. 2011. <http://www.biblestudytools.com/nlt/leviticus/10-9.html>.

JohnBible Study Tools Online – Verses, Commentaries, Concordances, Verses, Parallel Versions. Bible Study Tools Online. Web. 13 Oct. 2011. <http://www.biblestudytools.com/nlt/john/2.html>.

1 CorinthiansBible Study Tools Online – Verses, Commentaries, Concordances, Verses, Parallel Versions. Bible Study Tools Online. Web. 13 Oct. 2011. <http://www.biblestudytools.com/nlt/1-corinthians/10-23.html>.
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