Some days are better than others, or so we say.  What makes a good day?  What makes a bad day?  How do we make days good, or what turns them into bad days.  There are some days that the reasons are simple, for why they are good or bad.  However for other days, for most of our days they have both there ups and downs, tending to equal out in our minds to average.  I don't want most of my days to be though of as average, I want to see each of them as having played a significant part in me growing closer to God.  A way to be able to make our days turn out for good, rather than bad is to start out by seeking God through the reading of scripture and through prayer and meditation.  I find that in my own personal life that the days that I do this, my days tend to be more productive and I tend to see and enjoy things more.  I tend to not be led into temptation and at the end of the day I feel a satisfaction that comes only from knowing that I rest in the arms of an amazing God.  On days that I do not seek out God at the beginning of the day, for whatever reason, at the least I don't feel that same satisfaction as when I read and discover the attributes of God and what He has for my life at the beginning of the day.  When I don't pray I don't hear from God, I don't connect and cannot give my trials, troubles, fears, request, and praises to God.  The day just isn't the same and doesn't have the same satisfaction and joy as when I'm able to start my day by connecting with an indescribable God.  You can study about God at the end of the day or in the middle, but it doesn't produce the same effect as kicking off the day, centered around God.  If you don't have your intimate time with God till lunchtime, then from the time you woke up till lunchtime will have been spent more or less without God.  When you start off having an intimate time with Christ, the whole day is going to be spent reflecting on that time with God.  However if you don't do it till lunchtime, afternoon, or evening you will not have had the privilege of spending your time previous to your quiet time thinking about what God said and spoke into your life.   
1/15/2012 06:22:59 pm

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